Sunday, January 1, 2012


MAKE EACH DAY COUNT (MEDC) is my mantra for 2012.
As Boomers, we are in the twilight of our lives. For many of us, that means just biding time -- you know the feeling -- letting the days turn into weeks, then months and you can't even recall the last time you did anything that was remotely fun or challenging?

OR Can you look back on 2011 and recall many adventurous and exciting days? For me, 2011 was a fun-filled year that I'll share with you in some upcoming BLOGS; but what about you? Reminiscing over 2011 are you happy about the way you spent your time? If not, then challenge yourself to make 2012 even better by creating your own plan to MEDC!

You can make your life better and more interesting by taking small steps like forming new friendships or trying out an ethnic restaurant. OR if you're looking for a big challenge then work at becoming proficient at a new sport or learning a foreign language.

Have you created your "Bucket List"? If so, then you can "MEDC" by working on a few of those in 2012. For me, that means taking a cruise to Alaska this year!

YOUR CHALLENGE: Spend a few days this week thinking about everything you'd like to do and see in 2012 so that on 1 Jan 2013 you can fondly look back on an exciting and fun-filled year that you personally created by "making each day count"!

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