Thursday, July 15, 2010


Since I retired over 5 years ago, I've read more than 20 books on retirement. One of the best out there is "Retirementology"!

I loved it -- especially since Dr. Salsbury's advice on how to ensure your financial future is easy to follow. In the past, many Boomers had banked on the unrealistic increases in their home equity to help finance their retirements. We know that's not going to happen in today's economy!

In fact, many Boomers are hanging on for dear life, hoping that they don't end up with negative equity when they retire.

I especially liked the original definitions such as:
  • Retirementology - a new way of thinking about retirement planning that considers both psychology and finance against a backdrop of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
  • Hellthcare - Hellthcare is what Medicare has become for many.
  • Golden Cowboy - one who fears a collapsing government and economy and begins hoarding gold and guns.

Whether retired or just thinking about it, this book will significantly help you formulate a financial plan so that you can enjoy those Golden Years instead of slinging hamburgers just to make ends meet!

For additional info, check out the website:

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