Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

All Boomers love the Super Bowl!

If you're not a football fan, then you still sit there for hours just to see the commercials, although this year they weren't too exciting. My favorite was the Doritos commercial where he throws the globe at the vending machine; then another target!

Oh, I so wanted the Cardinals to win since I'm from St. Louis and they were the St. Louis Cardinals before the move to Arizona. What an exciting final few minutes!

It was a great game for Boomers with Bruce Springsteen performing and Joe Namath bringing out the trophy! Wow -- he sure looked old -- not like the Broadway Joe I remember when he took the Jets to victory.

Whether you're a football fan or not, it was a great day because for a few hours our entire Nation could forget about their financial woes, relax and watch some superb athletes make it all look so easy!

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