Sunday, June 9, 2013

Are you having FUN?

Since I'd last written in February about losing a friend, I have suffered the loss of 3 more friends and 1 cousin in just 4 months!    It's definitely had an impact on me as one of the hardest things I'm dealing with as I get older is "acceptance". 

I just don't want to accept the fact that as I age:
  •  time really does seem to move faster (it's already JUNE).
  •  I have to deal with even more unexpected medical issues.
  •  I can't do things as fast as I did before.
  •  I have to deal more frequently with the death of family and friends.
Every time I hear of another death, it's like a cold, hard slap of reality hitting me across the face, reminding me that life really is so short that all I want to do is have more fun before I'm too tired or it's too late.

Only you can define "what's fun" or what activities put a smile on your face -- but I sincerely encourage you to follow Nike's famous slogan and "JUST DO IT".     Don't be sitting in your rocking chair at 80, saying "I wish I had" when you still have the time to build new, exciting memories.

So, STOP right now and plan a fun activity - be it a hike, movie or concert - something you can look forward to!

1 comment:

Thomas C B Chua said...

Stumbled upon your blog. It is very realistic and interesting. Many think thank sicknesses and growing old is for other people and not for them. Well, it is for everybody.At 61, I seize everyday and live to the hilt. Time is running out. Life is for the living. There is plenty of time underground !!!!