Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Stroll down Memory Lane

with Mom & Aunt Betty
I recently spent a few weeks in St. Louis visiting family and friends. It's always fun to see everyone but it also saddens me because I know it just might be the last time I see my mom or aunts and uncles who are in their 80s and 90s. It's a dismal feeling, because when I was younger I never thought about that at all whenever I made a trip home.

When visiting with my mom, I just love to go through boxes of old pictures with her. It's just so much fun to look over all the significant events in both of our lives and to have a good laugh over some of the 60's and 70's fashion trends. It's also been proven that what psychologists call 'picture therapy' is quite beneficial in helping to keep a senior citizen's memory sharp. It helps them to recall specific events in their lives and discuss those happy times.

Now Uncle Barney, who's almost 91 is really sharp.....he continually impresses me with his computer skills and knowledge of the stock we're always discussing good buys in this depressed market.

I've always found it sad that some people will say they just don't have the time or money to visit older loved ones....but somehow they manage to do it for the funeral.....know what I mean!

So with Mother's Day coming up, I'd just like to encourage you to give older loved ones the best gift you can....the gift of your time!

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