Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's Over!

I'm so exhausted! I went to my first Election Party last night. When I got home I was so wired over the Election results that I stayed up half the night watching CNN. It was such a historic moment for our Nation and so exciting to me with voters coming out in record numbers and women playing such a critical role in the final outcome. As I watched President-elect Obama's Victory Speech and scanned the sea of people in Grant Park, their jubilant faces created a colorful tapestry representing our multi-cultural and multi-generational Nation - White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, American Indian, young, old.

Now I expect him to keep his word and deliver on his campaign promises that will help us retired Boomers. We retirees have worked hard all of our life and need to be able to joyfully look forward to retirement without daily concern over our health and financial needs. Issues important to all of us are:

Health Care: He promised affordable, easily accessible, and high-quality health care for everyone. This is a critical issue for many retirees because most companies do not allow an employee to carry their Medical Insurance into retirement. Retirees need some form of universal health care so that they no longer have to fear financial ruin from unexpected medical expenses.

Social Security: He’s against efforts to privatize Social Security and supports building a reserve for Social Security.

Taxes: He plans to eliminate income taxes for all senior citizens making less than $50,000. That proposal alone will positively impact more than 7 million seniors a year. Under his tax proposal, over 27 million senior citizens will no longer have to file an income tax return.

Now that the Election is over, I sincerely hope that the leaders of both Parties can put aside their differences and work together to kick-start our economy, to unify our nation and to provide everyone with not just hope for a better future, but to create a pro-active plan that will make it happen.

1 comment:

Brian Sporrer said...

He is really going to be limited in what he can do as the economic situation facing the country is VERY BAD! The unemployment rate is going to go over 10% and he is going to have to cut spending in a lot of areas just to keep the deficit below $1 TRILLION DOLLARS! I predict very difficult times ahead for all Americans. Bush deserves a lot of blame -- but American citizens have been living on borrowed money and time for a number of decades.
Good piece though...